Imperial Vegetable Oil Spread, 48%

Sale price valid from 12/10/2024 - 3/5/2025.
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Product Details
Vegetable Oil Spread, 48%
Per 1 Tbsp Serving: 60 calories; 2.5 g sat fat (13% DV); 105 mg sodium (5% DV); 0 g total sugars. Per Serving: 60 calories (Imperial Spread), 100 calories (Butter); Per Serving: 7 g fat (Imperial Spread), 11 g Fat (Butter), Per Serving: 2.5 g sat. fat (Imperial Spread), 7 g sat fat (Butter), Per Serving: 0 mg cholesterol (Imperial Spread), 30 mg cholesterol (Butter). Lactose free. Good for baking! Crowned with quality. 48% Vegetable oil spread. Imperial is committed to sustainable palm oil. For questions and comments, please visit For more information see
UPC: 00011115871324