Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal, Whole Grain, Cinnamon Roll

Product Details
Cereal, Whole Grain, Cinnamon Roll
Perfectly sweet wholesome wheat. Per 29 Biscuit Serving: 210 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 10 mg sodium (0% DV); 12 g total sugars. Profile: Mini. (at)frostedminiwheats. Motto: I’m here to stick with you. (it's kinda what I do! About: I'm Mini. You're you. And we're about to seize the day! Always ready to ROLL with bakery fresh cinnamon roll flavor I have 100% Whole Wheat & am 1000% dedicated to your day! They made me with layers of awesomeness so we can do BIG things together. Packed with cinnamon roll flavor. Did you know? Questions or comments? Visit Call 1-800-962-1413. BCTGM: Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers union made. AFL CIO CLC. Certified 100% recycled paperboard.
UPC: 00041192103889