Uncle Bens Wild Rice, with 23 Herbs and Seasoning, Long Grain, Original Recipe

Product Details
Wild Rice, with 23 Herbs and Seasoning, Long Grain, Original Recipe
Flavored grains. Perfect every time. Uncle Ben's Long Grain & Wild Rice Original Recipe: Helps turn ordinary meals into something extraordinary. Plus, it is part of a well balanced diet. It is low in fat, and also has these other nutritional benefits: cholesterol free; no saturated fat. What's inside – Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) provide quick, easy, and clear nutrition information to help you make informed decisions about the foods you eat. To learn more visit www.marshealthyliving.com. What's inside – Per Serving: 200 calories (10% DV); 0.5 g total fat (1% DV); 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 1 g sugars (No DV defined); 650 mg sodium (27% DV). Based on a 2000 calorie diet. Please recycle. Find Us on: Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Pinterest. See nutrition facts for sodium content. Whole Grain: 9 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. WholeGrainsCouncil.org. ChooseMyPlate.gov. We would like to hear from you (please have this package available.) 1-800-54-Uncle. 1-800-548-6253. Partially produced with genetic engineering.
Aisle 03C
UPC: 00054800020010