Opti-Free PureMoist Rewetting Drops

Product Details
PureMoist Rewetting Drops
Moisten and refreshes lenses. For use with silicone hydrogel and soft (hydrochloric) contact lenses. Opti-Free PureMoist Rewetting drops moisten and refreshes your lenses for greater wearing comfort. it also helps remove particulate material that may cause minor irritation, discomfort, dryness, blurring and itchiness while wearing your lenses. Only Opti-Free PureMoist Rewetting drops contains patented RLM-100, which helps prevent protein deposit buildup on soft (hydrophilic) lenses while you wear them, when used as directed. Works during lens wear. To moisturize your eyes and lenses. For use with silicone hydrogel and soft )hydrophilic) contact lenses. Questions or comments? Call us. 1-800-757-9195. www.opti-free.com.
UPC: 00300650192316