Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal, Honey Roasted, Giant Size

Sale price valid from 12/5/2024 - 3/5/2025.
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Product Details
Cereal, Honey Roasted, Giant Size
Sweetened cereal with oats & honey. Per 1 Cup Serving: 160 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 190 mg sodium (8% DV); 9 g total sugars. Whole Grain: 14 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grain daily. WholeGrainCouncil.org. Contains bioengineered food ingredients. Bunches of fun! Crunchy oat bunch; frosted sparkle flake; multi-grain flake; golden corn flake; crunchy oat bunch. Help our hungry bee make a delicious bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats cereal by going through the maze and picking up all of the ingredients before returning to the hive! honeybunchesofoats.com. postconsumerbrands.com. Visit us at honeybunchesofoats.com for information and puzzle solves. Visit us at: postconsumerbrands.com or call weekdays: 1-800-431-POST (7678) please have package available. This paperboard carton is 100% recyclable. Please follow your municipality’s instructions for recycling.
Aisle 05A
UPC: 00884912006806