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Golden Crisp Cereal

$5.49 $4.49
14.8 oz.
Golden Crisp Cereal

Sale price valid from 3/6/2025 - 3/12/2025.
Buy now and save $1.00 each.

Product Details


Per 1 cup serving: 150 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 85 mg sodium (4% DV); 21 total sugar. Partially produced with genetic engineering. More sweet Slang with Sugar Bear Can't get enough of that Golden Gris!? You're not totally sweet unless you're up on your GC lingo! postconsumerbrands.com. Facebook. Become a fan at Facebook.com/Postsugarbear. Facebook. Keep the sweet slang coming at Facebook.com/Postsugarbear. Visit us at: postconsumerbrands.com. or call weekdays: 1-800-431-POST (7678) please have package available. This paperboard carton is 100% recyclable. Please follow your municipality's instructions for recycling.

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Aisle 05A
UPC: 00884912117625