Honey Maid Cereal, S'mores

Product Details
Cereal, S'mores
Per 1 Cup Serving: 160 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 270 mg sodium (12% DV); 17 g total sugars; 4.5 mg iron (25% DV). Whole Grain: 8 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grain daily. WholeGrainsCouncil.org. Contains bioengineered food ingredients. Satisfy your s'mores appetite right in your cereal bowl with chocolatey goodness, sweet marshmallows and the delicious taste of Honey Maid graham crackers. Never have s'mores indoors been so delicious! So many Marshmallows! Americans buy 90 million pounds of marshmallows every year! And, it’s estimated that half of those marshmallows are roasted for s’mores. Delicious for over 90 years!: The first Honey Maid graham cracker was made in 1925 by the pacific coast biscuit company in Seattle, Washington. Did you know that August,10th is National S’mores Day? Make sure you have plenty of Honey Maid s’mores cereal on hand so you can celebrate properly! how2recycle.info. postconsumerbrands.com. Visit us at: postconsumerbrands.com or call weekdays: 1-800-431-POST (7678) please have package available. Certified 100% recycled paperboard.
Aisle 05A
UPC: 00884912273109